Produzindo a automação: o trabalho em um segmento recente da indústria gaúcha

Raul Luís Assumpção Bastos, Guilherme G. de F. Xavier Sobrinho


This paper synthesized a study about the small scale producers of microeletronic
automation goods in Rio Grande do Sul, second Brazilian state in this industrial
segment. This success is attributed, fundamentally, to informatics reserve market in
vigour until 1992,and to propitious environment, relating the technological capacitation
induced by University and by informatics firms that preexisted this segment
(eighty decade). A critical assessment of the role atributted, in the management
strategies, to labour relations and to technological capacitation is done, questioning
the validity of theoretical models with paradigmatics intentions (in the line of the
"japonese model") to apprehend the reality of segments like this. Verify high skills
polarization and a differentiation facing the traditional manufacture notions.


Inovação tecnológica; Pesquisa industrial

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ISSN 1980-2668