As transformações recentes da agricultura familiar no Rio Grande do Sul: o caso da agricultura em tempo parcial

Sergio Schneider


This article analyses the changes happend in family farming in the german
Colônia Velha, in Rio Grande do Sul, Southern Brazil, since 1970. This area
includes, today, the micro-regions of Vale do Sinos, Encosta da Serra. Vale do Caí
e Vale do Taquari. The main object of our study is the desintegration of the
traditional farm systems, envolving the crises of dairy production and arise of the
"part-timefarming". This new form of labor organization is closely related with the
development of the "acaciocultura" as the main trade activity of the "colonos" and
the search for off-farm earns by the members or rural families.


Acácia; Pequenos produtores; População rural

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ISSN 1980-2668