Integração regional e o setor agroalimentar nos países do Mercosul: a produção familiar na encruzilhada

John Wilkinson


Within the scenario of regional integration, including the specific agricultural
and agribusiness integration question, the dominant criteria may
be grasped by the notions of "competitiveness" and "efficiency". The
defense of the "inefficient" is considered illegitimate, sector mobilizations
aiming protection are difficult, and the slogan is "reconversion",a remedy
for the non-competitive sectors. Following the post-GATT regulation spirit,
support measures are based upon fixed payments, dissociated from production,
and do not interfere on price mechanisms. The question that the
author rises and seeks to answer is whether there are any the chances for
family production in this scenario.


Agroindústria; Integração econômica internacional

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ISSN 1980-2668