Condições de moradia na Região Metropolitana de Porto Alegre

Otília Beatriz Kroeff Carrion, Maria Conceição Barletta Scussel


The purpose of this paper is to present updated information about
housing conditions in the Porto Alegre Metropolitan Region (RMPA), using
data from the last Household Budget Research (POF) made by the Economics
Study and Research Center (lEPE) to calculate the Consumer Price Index
(IPC) of the Region. This research refers to 1995 and brings up-to-date
Information from 1954 and some other years (1960,1965,1970,1975 and
1983) when it was applied. Firstly, some considerations about the Brazilian
housing policy are presented, mainly referring to the possibilities on
financing the lower income housing. Then, after a brief comment about the
Household Budget Research criteria, a comparison between the last
research (1995) and the previous ones is made, detailing that from 1995.


Habitações - Aspectos sociais; Política habitacional

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ISSN 1980-2668