Convergências entre as políticas públicas de pesquisa e as estratégias industriais

Jean Pierre Mignot, Christian Poncet


The present trend is for public research organisations to orient their
programs towards industriel ends; industries are incorporating more
knowledge in their innovation strategies; public policies incite a closing of
the gap between the research institutions and the companies. These three
observations contribute to the idea of convergence between public
research policies and industriel strategies. This phenomenon is part of
the history of modern science, it is based on an industriel logic
(concentration, entry barriers), and has particularly marked the life
Sciences. The objective of this article is to demonstrate the way in which
this convergence works, using as a base the construction of the new
markets induced by genetic engineering, and on the behavior of French
research institutions in the face of these new challenges.


Tecnologia e desenvolvimento econômico: Pesquisa industrial; Inovações tecnológicas

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ISSN 1980-2668