Biotecnologias vegetais e reestruturações do setor de provisões agrícolas: um horizonte estratégico marcado por fortes incertezas

Gérald Assouline, Pierre-Benoit Joly, Stéphane Lemarié


The strategic horizon of the agriculture supply industry (pestices and
seeds) is darkened by strong uncertainties. They are the result of the
growing multi-form resistance of society to real or potential risks of GMOs
for health and evironment. They are also the consequences of the counterstrategies
implemented by economic actors, who are dose to final
consumer markets. Such a situation generates na increasing distrust of
financial community towards this activity: its profilability is not anymore
attractive comparing with drug industry. This feeds the massive on going
restructuring process.


Biotecnologia agrícola; Inovações agrícolas

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ISSN 1980-2668