As diferenças entre o escravismo gaúcho e o das 'plantations' do Brasil - incluindo no que e por que discordamos de F. H. C.

Luiz Roberto Pecoits Targa


We show that the slavish society in Rio Grande do Sul was not just an
underdeveloped form of the plantations slavery but a totally different one. A
host of determinations set this difference: the border situation, the non-slavish
large landed estate, the production for the Brazilian market, the particularities
of the Province classical slavish firm — the charqueada —, the presence of the
colonization with immigrants who were small proprietors, but specially because
of the absence of the fundamental classes of the Brazilian slavery: the rural
slaves and lords of the plantations


Sociologia; Escravidão - Condições sociais

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ISSN 1980-2668