Mundança técnica e reestruturação da indústria agroalimentar na Europa - uma reflexão teórica-metodológica

Roberto Fanfani, Raúl H. Green, Manuel Rodriguez Zuñiga, John Wilkinson


This article presents a critical appraisal of recent analyses of the technological
and organisational determinants of innovation and new patterns of industrial competitiveness.
In doing so it aims to throw light on the specific features influencing the
reorganisation of the agrofood system. Established approaches in terms of the
"filiere", spatial theories and those based on industrial groups are reinterpreted in
the light of the tertiarisation of the agrofood system, and a new framework proposed
for analysing the dynamic towards a global restructuring of agrofood.


Agroindústria; Inovações agrícolas; Política alimentar

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ISSN 1980-2668