Imprevidência e sujeição política: endividamento e crise do setor público gaúcho nos anos 80

Bolivar Tarragó Moura Neto, Luiz Augusto Estrella Faria, Renato Antonio Dalmazo


The public debt of The State of Rio Grande do Sul is examined as an outcome
of a twofold process performed by the State itself and its enterprises. On the one
hand, the Central Administration debt results of two movements. First, the reduction
of tax income as a result of economic support for private enterprises and second, the
growing of public expenditure due to imprudent political decisions. On the other
hand, the state corporations of telephone, energy and sewerage made a debt that
grew from overestimated investments and from devaluation of their services' prices.
From the middle eighties public indebtedness became extremely hard to deal with.


Administração estadual; Dívida pública

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ISSN 1980-2668