A nova realidade regional da indústria paulista: subsídios para a política de desenvolvimento regional

Carlos A. Pacheco, Wilson Cano, Jorge Ruben Biton Tapia, Aurílio S. C. Caiado


This paper analyzes the recent transformations in the economy of the State of
São Paulo, to offer subsidies for a regional development policy. As shown by the
study, perceptible changes happened in the São Paulo industry profile, especially
from the mi(l-80's onwards.
A revision of the purposes and instruments of the regional development policy
is absolutely necessary because: a) the interiorization policy, based upon the
complementation of the road system infrastructure, and the search for investments
by the towns does not reflect anymore the regional reality of São Paulo State; b)
there are crescent needs of higher competitiveness of the productive system, as well
as of investments in social infrastructure; c) the productive reestructuration implies
spacial relocalization processes; d) the conditions for recuperation of the economy
are still uncertain.
The challenge is to formulate and implement coherent policies through joint
actions involving the towns, industrial, regional and urban deconcentration, incorporating
some basic parameters as labor market qualification, and the inter-regional
industrial dynamics between the big national and multinational enterprises.


Economia regional; Desenvolvimento econômico

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ISSN 1980-2668