A ideologia do modelo japonês de gestão

Manoel Luiz Malaguti


This essay initially calls attention to the treatment given to the Japanese
Management Model (JMM) and Taylorism by the defenders of outsourcing
in the brazilian economy. According to them taylorism is the management
form to be avoided and the JMM is the model to be imitated. Aftenvard we
present the creation and consolidation process of the JMM. However, we
attempt to describe the distinction between the reality of labor relations in
Japan and its media form. We conclude demonstrating that the process of
outsourcing in Brazil is based fundamentally in the reality of the japanese
labor relations and not in the media form of the JMM.
Keys: 1) Outsourcing, 2) Japanese Management Model, 3) Labor relations,
4) Ideology and 5) Taylorism.


Administração de empresas; Gestão da qualidade total

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ISSN 1980-2668