Relações de cooperação com as grandes empresas: oportunidades e limites para o desenvolvimento de pequenas e médias empresas - reflexões para o caso do Brasil

Maria Carolina A. F. de Souza, Leonel Mazzali, Miguel Juan Bacic


This paper discusses changes in the relationships of small and big
business In the context of Brazi|ian specificies. The objective is to
identify spaces and limits for the small business in the new context.
The central argument is that cooperation and exclusion go on together
and are the core elements to explain the particularities of the new kind
of enterprises relationships. Understanding this new reality requires
extensive studies of large companies strategies related to engineering
and management of relationships with suppliers and dealers. This
involves the development of trust and long term perspective. The
investments in capital, capability development and time required are
not accessible for all small business. In consequence more and more
small enterprises are outside of the benefits of this new reality.


Pequenas e médias empresas

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ISSN 1980-2668