Expectativas, agentes econômicos e dinâmica da taxa de câmbio
This paper tries to recover the macroeconomic dynamic of the
behavior of the exchange rate, interacting the expectation formation, the
economic agents' heterogeneity with econometric models for exchange
rate, according to an integrated autoregressive-moving average model
ARIMA(r,s) as an approach of the dynamics of the price of a domestic
currency price vis-à-vis an international currency. The idea is to
demonstrate the analytic capacity of the ARIMA (r,s) model in the recovery
of the time series Data Generating Process of exchange rate.
behavior of the exchange rate, interacting the expectation formation, the
economic agents' heterogeneity with econometric models for exchange
rate, according to an integrated autoregressive-moving average model
ARIMA(r,s) as an approach of the dynamics of the price of a domestic
currency price vis-à-vis an international currency. The idea is to
demonstrate the analytic capacity of the ARIMA (r,s) model in the recovery
of the time series Data Generating Process of exchange rate.
Câmbio; Mercado financeiro
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PDFISSN 1980-2668