Trajetória do emprego público no Brasil desde o início do século XX
O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar um retrato da trajetória do emprego público no Brasil desde o início do século XX, mas com ênfase na primeira década do século XXI. O artigo pretende preencher uma lacuna na área de Ciências Sociais, que possui poucos trabalhos procurando compreender os condicionantes das mudanças ocorridas no perfil do emprego público brasileiro nos últimos anos. Avaliando as transformações históricas ocorridas no período em questão, pode-se perceber que os aspectos da atuação estatal que mais afetaram o mercado de trabalho do setor público brasileiro foram os relacionados à formulação de políticas públicas, à regulação do processo de desenvolvimento econômico e social e ao desenvolvimento de atividades produtivas estatais propriamente ditas (empresas públicas, empresas estatais ou de economia mista).Neste estudo, o emprego público é considerado no seu sentido mais amplo, ou seja, inclui os trabalhadores da administração direta e da administração indireta, nas três esferas de governo (federal, estadual e municipal). Essa caracterização de emprego público é compatível com a encontrada nos principais compêndios deorganismos financeiros internacionais,como a Organização Internacional do Trabalho (OIT), a Organização para a Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Econômico (OCDE) e o Banco Mundial.
Palavras-chave: Emprego público; mercado de trabalho brasileiro; desenvolvimento econômico no Brasil.
The trajectory of public employment in Brazil since the beginning of the 20th century
This article aims to present the trajectory of public employment in Brazil since the beginning of the twentieth century, focusing on the first decade of the 21st century. This study aims to bridge a gap in the field of social sciences, which has few studies aiming to understand the changes which took place in the profile of Brazilian public employment in recent years. Taking into account the historical changes in said period, one notices that the elements of governmental action which impacted the Brazilian public employment the most were related to public policy making, the regulation of the economic and social development process and the activities developed by State enterprises (governmental enterprises, state-owned enterprises and semi-public companies). In this study, public employment is considered in its most comprehensive aspect, including workers in direct and indirect administration and also in all government spheres (federal, states and municipalities). This characterization of public employment is compatible with the international classification found in institutions such as the International Labour Organization, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the World Bank.
Key words: Public employment; Brazilian labor market; economic development in Brazil
Classificação JEL: J01 E J21.
Artigo recebido em mar. 2014 e aceito para publicação em nov. 2014.
Palavras-chave: Emprego público; mercado de trabalho brasileiro; desenvolvimento econômico no Brasil.
The trajectory of public employment in Brazil since the beginning of the 20th century
This article aims to present the trajectory of public employment in Brazil since the beginning of the twentieth century, focusing on the first decade of the 21st century. This study aims to bridge a gap in the field of social sciences, which has few studies aiming to understand the changes which took place in the profile of Brazilian public employment in recent years. Taking into account the historical changes in said period, one notices that the elements of governmental action which impacted the Brazilian public employment the most were related to public policy making, the regulation of the economic and social development process and the activities developed by State enterprises (governmental enterprises, state-owned enterprises and semi-public companies). In this study, public employment is considered in its most comprehensive aspect, including workers in direct and indirect administration and also in all government spheres (federal, states and municipalities). This characterization of public employment is compatible with the international classification found in institutions such as the International Labour Organization, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the World Bank.
Key words: Public employment; Brazilian labor market; economic development in Brazil
Classificação JEL: J01 E J21.
Artigo recebido em mar. 2014 e aceito para publicação em nov. 2014.
emprego público no Brasil; desenvolvimento econômico brasileiro; mercado de trabalho no Brasil
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