Dispêndio público local: modelos e evidências
The Seventies have witnessed, in the United States, the publication ot many
research efforts seeldng to ascertain the relationship between state and local govemment
policies and human migration pattems. Given the important policy implicatíons that
may be derived from this type of research, it is essential for us to have knowledge of
some research fíndings obtained to date. Accordingly, fhis paper seeks to summarize the
basic research on the migration impact of state and local govemment policies and then
to offer some evidences of it.
research efforts seeldng to ascertain the relationship between state and local govemment
policies and human migration pattems. Given the important policy implicatíons that
may be derived from this type of research, it is essential for us to have knowledge of
some research fíndings obtained to date. Accordingly, fhis paper seeks to summarize the
basic research on the migration impact of state and local govemment policies and then
to offer some evidences of it.
Investimentos públicos; Despesa pública
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PDFISSN 1980-2668